Hey non-cheeser fans (i know u hate me) im the BC tellin u whats hot and whats not.
Combat arms, fps perfection, mmo/halo style shooter. u can do alot with this game, chat while fragging ur opponents on other usrs or just fun- fragging the infection zombies. and choose from ovr 200 awesome weapons and about a lot of weapon mods.
Roblox: do wut u want. free. well. its free to pla but not 2 build. But u can find creations based off of just about anyting. if ur in the mood, check it out.
Bite Fite: horrible. bascly, it sux. i thought it would be opn world cartoonish 3 dimensional, like Adventur Quest worlds but...
Adventure quest world: awesome cartoonish MMORPG. a fight against dragon-goblin, troll, evil ded dudes, etc. open world, lots of excitement, check it out.
theres so many othrs that id like to list, but the problem is im on a tight schedule, so... for now goodbye, ill be back with part 2 soon.